以支票奉獻,支票抬頭請寫上 “CCSTT ”並郵寄到以下地址: CCSTT, 3377 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada. M2M 3S4 如需捐款收據,請提供姓名和聯絡電郵。
For donation via cheque, mark it payable to CCSTT and send it to:
CCSTT, 3377 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada. M2M 3S4
If Donation Receipt is required, please provide name and email.
電子轉帳 (e-transfer) 奉獻可用電郵 donate@ccst.ca, 如需捐款收據,請在訊息欄(message)提供姓名和聯絡電郵。
Donation through e-transfer could be done by sending to email donate@ccst.ca (please write down your e-mail address at the message box for Donation Receipt).
以PayPal 或信用卡奉獻